carving the thighs
Every woman seeks to improve the appearance of the thighs because it is an integral part of the shape of the legs in general, When exposed to weight loss, aging or genetic factors can cause the thigh skin to decline significantly, the upper body is usually thin if compared to the thighs, There is also permanent friction between the thighs or what is known as the adhesion of the thighs, causing eczema or blackheads in this region.
In this case, thigh lift surgery is the best way to relieve skin sagging excess, tighten and smooth the supporting tissue core thigh, and reduce the pockets of fatty, thus giving the thigh a more pleasing appearance and youth.
* Why do the thighs got fat?
Thighs flabbiness occurs significantly in those who suffer from obesity and followed a diet to lose large amounts of weight in a very short period or because of aging, because the skin is greatly expanded with the loss of rapid weight and sudden fat spaces are generated under the skin, leading to skin weakness and slackness result Lack of flexibility.
The best medical doctors in Turkey also emphasize that a healthy diet and exercise are very important but not useful in many cases, who suffer from fat concentration in the area of the thighs, and it is difficult to slim a specific area of the body without the rest of the body, And that the chances of losing weight in this region because it is far from the muscles opposite the face is likely to appear thinner faster than any other region because the loss of excess fat in the whole body in a consistent manner.
Slimming the thighs is to get rid of the skin and excess fat from the thighs and beautify the appearance of the feet so the most important to be sold to slim and improve the shape and strength of the thighs is to undergo surgery at the finest cosmetic doctors in Turkey.
* Why do many women accept the process of slimming the thighs?
– The result of different distribution of fat body and focus in the legs.
– Skin sagging or presence of fatty aggregates.
– Weight gain and the concentration of fat in the hips may cause many women to wear their clothes or small size, especially jeans, making the appearance more youthful.
– The woman’s keen interest in her body and strength to maintain her attractiveness and femininity.
– The latest technology and the social communication tools and the obsession of women with elegance and beauty on the Internet.
– Improving women’s form of strength increases their self-confidence and improves their psychological and social status and helps their success.
* Cosmetic methods to relax the legs and thighs?
– Slimming of the thighs through liposuction:
The liposuction is performed by making small holes that are half a cm long, through which a long suction tube is inserted, The laser beam can be inserted through the same tube in order to stimulate the skin, Spilled fat to fill low areas of the body.
– Laser Slimming Slimming:
Laser is one of the most common uses in cosmetic surgery as an effective alternative to surgical procedures. It is one of the best means of slimming and beautifying the thighs, legs and knees, It is also used to tighten the loose leg skin.
The laser is used under the influence of local anesthetic, after which the doctor injected subcutaneous substance in the area of the thighs, the doctor sheds the laser beam to the area that will be treated, causing the analysis of fat and break it and clear the fat and pull out of the body, after liposuction may need to process Laser skin lift If liposuction results in very sluggish skin, if sagging is simple, it will be eliminated by exercise but after a period of procedure.
– Slimming thighs by surgery:
The surgery is performed under general anesthesia and takes between 2 and 3 hours, After the incisions are made, the skin and fat are removed from the thighs, the excess fat is removed through liposuction and then the epidermis is established.
Slots are worn in sterile braces and a special corset is worn to help the feet during recovery, It reduces post-surgical swelling and helps reduce any possible bruising.
* Cost of Thigh Slimming Process:
The cost varies depending on the technique used if the liposuction or lumbar degeneration by laser, as well as the efficiency and reputation of the doctor, and the extent of modern technology used in beauty centers and hospitals.
* How to maintain the success of the process of slimming the thighs and stabilize the weight and prevent the accumulation of fat?
– Taking care to exercise regularly helps to slim the legs as they work to burn fat from the body.
– Be careful not to be stressed because it works to increase the hormone estrogen in women, which means an increase in the accumulation of fat in the thighs.
– Lack of movement and frequent sitting on the enlargement of the region of the thighs and back, as the pressure on the fat cells by sitting on it works to sort fat in a large proportion.
– unhealthy eating habits, especially foods containing preservatives, processed meats, and fast-food meals increase calories in the body, and therefore fat in the legs.
– Stay away from eating fatty foods and full of sugars and fats, which in turn provide the body with a lot of calories.
– Drink plenty of water, because it is necessary for all members of the body, but at the same time works to rid the toxins that exist in the body, which cause the accumulation of fat.
– Reduce as much as possible to eat salty foods, because salt works to retain water in the body and thus accumulate fat.
* Home and natural ways to slim the thighs:
– Use coffee in the legs to slim:
How to use: just bring half a cup of hot water with a cup of ground coffee to get the soft dough, then put this mixture on the leg before bathing and hands the leg area for ten minutes, and then wash the man with hot water, and to get the desired result Repeat this recipe On a daily basis.
– Turmeric to slim legs:
How to use: tablespoon ground turmeric with a tablespoon of crushed ginger, then put them on fire in water equivalent to three cups, then boil the mixture on the fire and leave it in the refrigerator to cool, take a cup in the morning on the empty, and eat another cup before lunch , And another cup before bedtime, with repeated daily to eliminate the fat around the legs.
* It is important to have a consultation session on surgery and all details with your doctor to be able to make a right decision to conduct the process and you can ask your doctor a set of questions as follows:
– Did the doctor obtain a certificate confirming his practice of the profession and this type of operation from recognized major hospitals?
– Expected results and when they appear specifically after the operation and what are the success rates of the process?
– Know the side effects and how to deal with them and the duration of recovery from them?
– to share with you photos of the results of previous operations?
– When will the person return to his nature and manage his home or complete going to work daily?
– The new form expected after surgery?
* The surgeon marks the pen on the patient’s body to determine where the fat will be removed, and can be performed with local anesthesia sometimes or general anesthesia.
* The most important tips and instructions after the operation?
– It is recommended to wear the compressor belt after the operation for 3 to 6 weeks to relieve swelling after the operation and help to tighten the skin.
– Bed comfort is recommended in the first week.
– Drink large quantities of water to get rid of the effects of anesthesia.
– The patient is prescribed antibiotics and painkillers with the move away from painkillers such as aspirin.
– Refrain from carrying out heavy activities, heavy loads and exercise during the first three weeks.