Weight loss processes
Excess weight is one of the most unhealthy manifestations on the human body, and its causes are multiple. Inadequate diet, fast-food foods, lack of exercise, lethargy, persistent laziness or genetic factors are among the most powerful causes of obesity. The most common disease in modern times.
Excess weight causes many problems for the patient but can be avoided by consulting experts specialized in the type of surgery in order to complete the process properly without any complications, and the complications if not occurred compared to the amount of problems experienced by the owners of weight overload if not subject to surgery and attention to lose weight .
* What are the techniques of weight loss?
1) Determine the size of the stomach and thus determine the amount of food being eaten.
2) Reduce digestion of food in the digestive system and therefore fewer calories in the body.
* What are the best weight loss processes?
There are no so-called best weight loss operations, but each surgery depends on the patient’s condition and the extent to which his or her body is accepted. If he is overweight and weighs up to 200 kg, we may perform stomach stapling surgery or gastric or gastric ballooning to reduce the size of the stomach. The patient feels full after eating a small amount of food, but if the patient is eating large amounts of sugars, the process of conversion of the stomach is the best options.
• What is gastric bypass surgery?
Gastric bypass surgery reduces the size of your stomach, where you will not be able to eat a large amount of food, the surgeon will re-change the course of the stomach, or bypass part of your digestive system, so do not absorb too much food because it left only a small part Very from the stomach.
• The process of connecting the stomach:
Using the endoscope where the doctor put a loop of silicon or a small balloon around the opening of the stomach to reduce the size of the stomach from the top, with the survival of the bottom down towards the rest of the stomach and digestive system, and can modify the size of the silicone ring mentioned by injecting salt water through an outlet under the skin, This determines how much food you can go to your stomach.
• The process of quantifying the stomach:
In which the large part of the stomach is disposed of, ranging from 70 to 80% of the size of the stomach. Stomach conditioning helps to shrink the stomach to 30% of its size previously, and the chances of expanding again, in addition to the formation of the stomach in the form of a tube and fewer cells producing hormones Which helps to feel comfortable with less food, and is safer than binoculars because it does not require the inclusion of foreign objects to the body.
• Botox injection in the stomach:
This process is non-surgical and fast, requires only a few minutes. This process relaxes the muscles of the stomach. The muscles of the stomach stop the contraction, which makes the patient feel full and full, suitable for those who are overweight and not suitable for patients with obesity.
* Who are the candidates for weight loss?
– Diabetics.
– Difficulty breathing during sleep.
– If the BMI is more than 40 kg per square meter.
– Attempts to lose weight repeatedly, or sometimes to lose weight, but increases again and thus becomes dieting is not effective for him.
– People suffering from complications of obesity, such as inflammation of the joints and bones.
– People with high cholesterol.
“ All these things represent risk factors and alarm bells must be taken into account “
* Before the process of weight loss must be conducted a series of tests and tests:
– Control the level of anemia and sugar.
– Analysis of blood and the ratio of some important vitamins such as B12 and folic acid and iron.
– The work of ultrasound of the abdomen to detect any fat on the internal organs, especially the liver.
– Check the stomach free of any other problems through the endoscope.
– Obesity diet before the process at least three weeks and include the reduction of carbohydrates and food prices because most of the overweight suffer from increased fat on the internal organs such as kidney, liver and heart, and hence comes the role of diet in reducing fat and treatment, and reduce weight The patient before the performance of the process because of its positive impact on the efficiency of the process and the lack of problems facing the surgeon during the process and reduce its time.
* The importance of subordination of obese patients to surgery helps in:
Surgery leads to significant weight loss, recovery from diabetes, and reduced risk of heart disease and bone disease.
* Before undergoing surgery, prefer to do the following:
– Drink large amounts of water.
– Eat adequate amounts of protein with each meal.
– Stop eating sugars and soft drinks.
– Preparation and organization of eating the patient and most of the liquids to begin to lose weight before the operation, which is important and helps in the success of the process.
* How long is the operation? From one to four hours.
* It is important that the patient is keen to work a session before the surgery with a specialist doctor is:
– Determine the type of operation or technology that suits the patient’s condition and health.
– It is recommended to have a nutritionist with the surgeon to know the habits of the patient’s food and behavioral because surgery is a step to lose weight, but followed by steps to stabilize the weight and changes that will occur in the body after that and know the patient’s readiness for surgery.
– The need to attend a psychologist to know the patient’s readiness and state of mind.
* The following are the most important guidelines for surgery to be taken care of by the patient:
– Cosmetic experts in Turkey advise on the need to follow a healthy lifestyle so that the patient does not need to have surgery again.
– After the surgery, the patient refrains from food only and allows him fluids in small doses and take into account the temperature to be the same temperature of the room.
– After a few days he can eat a very small amount of ground food gradually.
– Take into account the balance of food to include appropriate amounts of protein and low-fat dairy, vegetables and fruits.
– Taking supplements to help maintain muscle and body structure.
– The patient should be careful to maintain weight after the operation and to exercise.
– The patient should be aware of the period of convalescence and recovery and follow a balanced health system continuously.
* Turkey’s treatment centers and beauty centers have a high percentage of people who accept such weight-loss treatments. Turkey’s cosmetic clinics are accredited by the International Health Organization because they have high levels of efficiency, modern technology and good health care.