Beautify the eyes, eyelids and tighten the eyelashes
Eye is one of the most important standards that refer to the level of beauty in humans, they used to use kohl to extend the eye and give it a sparkle, the beauty of the eyes is not limited to color, but the color and comfort of the skin around them, which help to appear bright and clean, and the most problems that man now and with nature The rapid life and the daily pressures, and the excessive use of technology from television screens to the computer of different types to smart phones, all these things help to fatigue the eye, as well as dry, and therefore had to think about ways to help rejuvenation and gamma For the eyes and get rid of the problems of the eyes, especially fatigue and fatigue, it is here the importance of the role of cosmetic surgery in the beauty and attractiveness of the eyes and correction of visual defects.
* The most important cases that require eye beautification?
– Lifting eyelid lift operations.
– Eyelid correction of the eyelids inside or outside.
– Correction of laser vision defects.
– Tightening of the upper or lower eyelids in cases of relaxation and wrinkles.
– The process of beautifying the eyes.
– The process of beautification and correction around the eyes.
– Beautification of eye pockets and bulges.
* Medical and cosmetic reasons for the eyes:
First: Medical reasons include:
Treatment of ulcers – Repair of eyesight defects – Beautification of eyes affected by atrophy.
Second: cosmetic reasons:
Treatment of eye wrinkles – dark circles, especially if they are deep – bags under the eyelids – eye – narrow eyes narrow.
* Causes of weak vision and atrophy of the eye?
– Smoking: Some doctors believe that smoking is a cause of eye dysfunction, weakness of vision and self-immunity after inflammation or abscess of new blood vessels in the retina, which leads to leakage of blood or fluid and therefore the presence of atrophy of the eye.
– Do not drink enough water: drinking enough water is beneficial to public health, including the health of the eyes, you have to drink 8 glasses of water a day to avoid injury to the body drought and therefore can manufacture enough tears to moisten the eye.
– Aging
– Prolonged exposure to the sun: It affects the eye with white water and atrophy of the eye, which may lead to cancer, so wear good quality sunglasses and be able to protect the eye from all harmful rays of the sun.
* (Laser) The best treatments for weak vision and problems of eye diseases.
* Laser eye beautification:
Laser is one of the best modern techniques used to correct vision, It can take up to an hour, The doctor uses the local anesthetic around the eye, The eyes are protected with a bandage so that the laser beam does not affect them, then the doctor uses a laser device to lick its rays on the part to be beautified around the eye, correct the eyesight and get the best visual acuity of the person 6/6.
Laser eye treatment helps to eliminate the use of traditional eye correction methods such as “eyeglasses and contact lenses have many drawbacks”
* The spread of LASIK technology:
Lasik is a type of laser that is used in corrective procedures to avoid the use of glasses or contact lenses, which is used to correct the shape of the cornea, the transparent part of the front of the eye, to be able to respond to light better, because any damage in the cornea leads to This can lead to vision diseases, such as long sightedness, myopia, or astigmatism. Lasik does not take too long. It can only be done in 15 minutes, but its amazing results can change the lives of some people forever.
* Enlargement surgery:
The large, wide eyes have always been associated with beauty and the attractive look. The development of cosmetic medicine has made the big eyes an aesthetic feature available to those who want to enlarge their eyes. Nothing compares to large, wide, bright eyes and undergo surgical eye beautification.
Ophthalmic surgery is a recent ophthalmology. It is worth mentioning that eye surgery was previously limited to the treatment of congenital defects and accident injuries. However, with the advancement of medicine and the anatomical understanding of the muscles of the eyes and ligaments surrounding it, it is possible to perform new surgeries that were not Well known before, such as expanding the eye.
* Beautification of narrow eyes:
Some people complain of narrowness of the eye or small size compared to the features of the face, which causes them severe psychological embarrassment and lack of self-confidence, so the demand for the expansion of the eyes became very large. What is important in this surgery is that it does not affect any shape on the eyeball.
Eye plastic surgery interferes with the adjustment of the direction of the corners of the eye. It is known that the outer corners of the eye are higher than the inner angles by 1 to 2 millimeters. If this percentage increases, some people have a greater share of beauty. The other face.
– Thanks to the advancement of cosmetic medicine as a result of technological breakthroughs in the field of cosmetic medicine, it has contributed greatly to restoring the lost beauty of the eye in some.
* Improvements in the field of ophthalmology include:
– squint:
It may be difficult to treat some cases of strabismus due to the paralysis of the muscles of the eye, but thanks to the development of cosmetic medicine for the eyes, which led to the skilled surgeon to make a partial transfer of healthy muscles to the paralyzed muscle, the eye movement in a natural way.
If the angle of the period simple gives the patient usually glasses, and in some cases we do exercises for the eye weak and lazy, by strengthening the eyes, but there are cases of severe weakness or paralysis of the muscles, making the corner of the year is too large, and therefore can not be repaired This period with medical glasses requires cosmetic surgery.
– Eye sharpening:
Eye irritation causes pain in the eyeball and inflammation in the cornea, and also causes psychological distress through the look of arrogance may concern the eye to this eye, but there are recent surgeries we do, where the withdrawal of fatty substances accumulated around the eye and cause the bully, through Adjust the upper and lower eyelid position until we restore the analgesic to normal position and remove the negative psychological effects from the patient.
* For whom eyelids eyelashes repair?
This procedure is suitable for all who suffer from slouching of the upper eyelids, which may hinder their owners from seeing sometimes – bulges in the lower eyelids of the eye – old age and the appearance of severe wrinkles in the area of eyes and the appearance of dark circles deep.
* Causes of eyelid dilution:
As a result of aging, where there is a slouch of facial skin and weakness of muscles and fatty deposits lead to the swelling of the lower eyelids and flabbiness eyelids upper and may reach the degree of damage to the field of vision, and here comes the importance of cosmetic surgery, especially eye surgery and eyelids to remove the problem to restore the youthful form of the eye and And then eliminate the manifestations of aging and remove the look of fatigue manifest on the features of your face.
* How is eyelid surgery done?
For the upper eyelids, the surgeon first determines the lines and folds in the eyelid to make the scars as visible as possible throughout the surgery, then shave the eyelid and remove the fat, muscle and slender skin using very fine stitches to close the openings and thus reduce any scar vision.
In the surgery of the lower eyelids, the surgeon makes a hole in the site is not clear along the line of eyelashes and folds in the lower eyelid and remove excess fat and muscle and skin relaxant before closing the hole with very fine stitches.
* Non-surgical eye cosmetics:
– Injection of BTX material:
This injection is injected around the eye to remove the wrinkles and also to lift the eyebrows. These injections are extended for more than six months, and the eye area needs more injections after the end of this period, but this injection has many effects in hiding the wrinkles caused by aging.
– Treatment of dark circles around the eyes:
Weakness of vision or circulation of the eyelids leads to increased pigmentation or UV exposure in the morning, so we recommend using sunglasses at the time of sacrifice, since these rays are at their peak.
As for the treatment of dark circles, it begins to reveal the eye and look, and direct the patient to work on a massage around the eye daily, so as to improve blood circulation, as well as half vitamins containing antioxidants, it is worth mentioning that the laser techniques used in the treatment of dark circles and gives good results, The laser removes the dead skin and stimulates skin growth again. This layer is removed with the same chemical peeling principle, using simple skin peeling substances and moisturizing and nourishing substances. Laser therapy is a successful and effective treatment, with no adverse side effects.
– The role of cosmetic laser in the treatment of wrinkles around the eye area:
Laser works to tighten the skin around the eyes naturally to eliminate wrinkles and helps break down the fat cells causing the sinuses under the eye, the patient can return home at the same day of the operation after the appointment of the follow-up with the doctor, and the patient can return to work after about A week after the procedure, the final results of the technique are shown several days after the procedure during which the patient avoids the direct sunlight and use ointments prescribed by the doctor.
* The most important natural recipes to maintain the attractiveness of eyes and treatment of swelling under the eye and stress area around the eyes:
– Green and black tea bags: can help reduce eye strain and restore its natural glow because it has anti-irritant and anti-oxidant properties that help reduce swelling around eyes as well as redness.
How to use :
1 – Put two bags of tea in a glass of hot water for 5 minutes.
2 – Remove the tea bags and remove the excess water and place in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.
3 – Put the tea bags chilled on your eyes closed and left for 5 minutes.
– Rose water: Another effective way to calm tired eyes because it has a calming effect helps to renew the skin around the eyes and prevent the formation of dark circles and get rid of bloating.
How to use: Put cotton balls in cold rose water and lie down and put cotton balls wet on the eyelids are closed.
– Option: You can soothe tired eyes with cucumber slices because they contain a high percentage of water which helps to soothe tired eyes as it can help to loosen the black circles under the eyes and bulge under the eye.
How to use:
1 – Chop thick slices of cucumber and place in refrigerator for 10 to 15 minutes
2 – Put the slides on the eyelids until they become warm.
– Potatoes: Potatoes also have a high percentage of water that helps relieve the puffiness of the eyelids and reduce dark circles.
How to use: Put the potato slices on the eyelids until they dry completely.
* The eye ophthalmology is not only limited to the beauty of the eye or the treatment of eye problems, but is also specialized in the rehabilitation and repair of tear ducts, eye room, eyelashes and eyebrows, all parts of the area surrounding the eyes, and extends the role of eye surgeon to restore and beautify the eyes and problems:
– Restoration of the quarry of the eye after the fractures and repair of eye shape imbalances and monsters.
– Congenital eye malformation surgery.
– Problems of eyelids, such as eyelids, fading, drooping and problems of eyebrows.
Eye surgery requires precision and great skill as it is concerned with a very sensitive area. Despite the recent spread of these operations, especially the operations of the beautification and restoration of the eyelids, the surgeon needs in this process to treat skin sagging and eyelid and skin and muscle slack and treatment of fat loss in the region and at the same time not to affect the Function and role of the eye and shape.
The distances in these types of operations are calculated in millimeters. Any change may affect the function, health and shape of the eyes, eyebrows and eyelids after the operation. Therefore, we recommend that surgeons have a history of performing these operations with skill, accuracy and availability of modern equipment.
* How do we choose a beauty doctor?
The patient should be careful in choosing the surgeon specialized in that area and do not mind asking him to see his testimony and not only the patient using the costs as a key determinant to choose who is taking the process and attention well because the eye area of the areas are very sensitive and that the success of the process depends directly on the skill Physician.
It is therefore very important and important to choose eye surgeon according to the following criteria:
– The doctor is preferred to be accredited by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.
– Must have a license to practice the profession in this specialty in the country in which he works.
– He has performed such surgeries and operations before and has considerable experience in the field.
* How much do eye surgery surgery cost?
The cost varies greatly from one country to another. According to the experience of the doctor, modern surgical techniques used in surgery, patient condition and medical centers, the cost of surgery ranges from $ 500 to $ 5000 depending on the type of operation, whether surgical or non-surgical. It is very important to bear in mind that your choice of eye surgeon should not be based solely on the cost of eye surgery, because the less skilled ophthalmologist may ask you for a lower price but not the experience, training and the exact same equipment Which is owned by a high cost doctor.
* Consultation session before starting to do plastic surgery:
It is important to hold a medical consultation between surgeon and patient before the operation to discuss the most important points of the process or surgery in several points, the most important of which are:
– Reasons for desire for surgery?
– What are the patient’s expectations?
– The possible results?
– And the benefits of that process?
– What precautions should the patient avoid after the procedure?
– The routine should be followed by the patient prior to the process a few days simple?
– All information about the location of the operation, whether in the hospital or the clinic and the associated costs, is also presented.
– The date of surgery?
The patient is given some instructions that must be adhered to before undergoing surgery, and may require some medical analysis before the operation.
* The most important tips to maintain and get good results after operation:
– Ensure the quality of glasses or contact lenses.
– The selection of a skilled doctor and specialist in eye care and beauty by reviewing his medical history and views of previous cases.
– Put ointment to prevent dry eye area.
Avoid allergens because they can cause eye irritation.
– Choosing a specialized eye care center for the operation.
– Avoid getting out in the sun, wearing sunglasses when going out in the sun.
– Perform all rays on the eye, and measure the pressure of the eye before surgery.
– Talk with your doctor about all expectations about the process.
– Limit exposure to monitors or PC as much as possible.
– Remove eye makeup before sleeping and avoid putting it after surgery a month.
– Eat foods useful to your eyes such as carrots, potatoes, spinach, salmon, guava, orange, lemon and papaya.
– Outdoors and practicing yoga.
* This type of cosmetic surgery in particular and for surgery in general has become one of the most famous operations today and many patients accept this type of surgery, perhaps for medical or cosmetic reasons to beautify the eye, but the patient must be realistic expectations and must be aware that Plastic surgery aims to achieve no perfect improvement.