* What are the causes of peeling?

With age changing occurs in all parts and organs of the body and in all layers of the skin because the skin consists of three layers are the outer skin and then the middle and then the fat under the skin, aging is a normal thing for all human beings but premature aging occurs as a result of genetic factors or poor skin care And insufficient attention to them.
It depends on the injury of some people with wrinkles at a very early age due to lack of interest in the skin as moisturizing and peeling and closing the skin and stimulate the natural collagen skin to work effectively.

• Note: The darker the skin, the higher the collagen rate and the more wrinkled the appearance of wrinkles than the white skin.

* Factors affecting skin aging:

UVA, UVB and SPF 50 sunscreen are recommended to avoid sun spots and wrinkles. It is best to use it under the supervision of a doctor to determine the right type of skin, whether it is greasy, dry, sensitive or mixed.
Studies have shown that eating about ten cigarettes a day for more than 12 years leads to premature aging and the reason is the amount of toxic nicotine that affect all vital functions of the body and the production of collagen, which works to tighten the skin and retain vitality and youth.
Air Pollutants:
Dust, smoke and transportation exhausts.
Vitamin A and its derivatives:
It is one of the important and vital vitamins needed by the body for its extremely important health of the skin and hair and is an antioxidant, known as Retinol and is present in many animal or plant foods such as (liver – egg yolks – milk – melons – apricots – peaches – Potato – Spinach – lettuce – watercress) and helps in the treatment of surface wrinkles and delay the emergence of any new wrinkles and also contributes to moisturize the skin and reduce the effects of premature aging of the skin and purifies the skin of toxins and reduce dryness of the skin and gives them moisturizing and freshness and it maintains the smoothness of the skin.
Fruit acids (alpha hydro acids):
Helps to tighten the skin and to fill it to become fine lines and skin wrinkles significantly less and also help accelerate the process of peeling skin and get rid of dead skin and repair skin damage and moisturizing, so you should choose products containing alpha-hydro acids when buying skin care products, including sunscreen and moisturizers skin.
Helps to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and protect the skin from damage due to exposure to sunlight, hence the importance of taking care to eat foods rich in antioxidants and prefer not to over-cook vegetables to retain nutrients and antioxidants, and the best elements rich in antioxidants:
Vegetables such as (grapes – berries – apricots – pumpkins – mango – orange – kiwi – carrots – onions – garlic – spinach – broccoli).
– Whole grains, such as legumes and nuts.
– Fat-free meat: like low-fat meat is a good source of protein, chicken and turkey.
– Seafood: Characterized by the omega-3 contained in the fish is a good source of antioxidants, which affects the health of the skin and the body in general.
– Green tea: Green tea is one of the forms of antioxidants, which is an anti-aging and helps to prevent diseases. Drinking about 3 cups of tea during the day helps to increase the efficiency of body functions

– Vitamin C: It is one of the most important antioxidants for the treatment of wrinkles and skin and brown spots and brown spots, a vitamin dissolved in water and is characterized by its effective ability to increase the production of collagen also protects the skin from dilution and helps to tighten, some research also confirmed that it helps to reduce skin spots Promote night-time repair, reduce inflammation and protect the skin from sunlight.

Antioxidants are a strong basis for the health of the body and skin. Skin is the organ with the largest area in the body. The antioxidants protect the skin cells by strengthening the nutrients necessary for him. Eating foods rich in antioxidants helps the body to quickly absorb vitamins, which play an important role In skin care and body.

* Early manifestations of aging:

– Loss of skin elasticity.

– Wrinkles the front area and around the mouth and around the eye area.

– Lack of fat under the skin.

• Signs of aging appear more on the area of ​​the face and hands because of the expressions of the face and exposure to the sun and atmosphere factors, when the age of twenty-five begins to skin flatten and less freshness and become less skin thickness and the level of water in the skin becomes less and less cells produced collagen and weaken its function in the production of sufficient collagen Which gives a consistent and tight appearance of the skin, hence the importance of subject to peeling regularly according to the nature of the skin.

* What are the importance and types of skin peeling?

It regenerates skin cells, reduces skin aging and helps overcome skin pigmentation:

– Natural home peeling

– Chemical peeling

– Crystal peel

– Diamond Peeling.

* Diamond Peeling:

The use of facial peeling is not limited to the removal of dead skin cells, fine lines and wrinkles and to give the skin freshness and youth only, but extends to the rest of the body to treat skin cracks due to loss or gain weight.

Diamond peeling is a new cry for peeling after peeling the crystal. Diamonds have a strong effect on the skin and have a positive effect on the skin in particular.

* Which is the best diamond or crystal peel?

Diamond peeling differs greatly from crystal by:

– Diamond peeling: is done by passing the skin a diamond-shaped stick to put a constant layer of diamond dust on the skin and then removed and can be used safely in the vicinity of the eyes, using varying sizes of sticks to reach the narrow places such as ” Area around the eyes, nose and mouth, “and sticks with different levels of roughness on the facial spots where the skin is more sensitive, there is no need to give a local anesthetic, sterilize the diamond peeling device and take a session of about 15 to 30 minutes and needs a person from 4 to 8 sessions on Periods ranging from one to two months

– Crystal peel: includes the use of a device that pumps the crystals of aluminum oxide on the skin at high speed and at the same time absorbs dirt and dead cells and in some cases given local anesthetic before use on the skin. Works on deep layers of the skin and can be applied every three months, depending on the condition of each patient.

• The treatment of diamond peeling is popular among women and men for the possibility of exiting immediately after or on the following day, in contrast to the crystal, which is preferred in the winter and not to be exposed to the sun after applying it for about 10 days, leaving it to redness and skin crust.

• In the case of acne and severe scars in the skin prefer to resort to the peeling crystal for his technique based on the work on the layers of the skin interior while diamond used in cases of simple signs of wrinkles.

• Peeling helps to remove fine lines and wrinkles in the case of continuous use and what distinguishes it also from the peeling Crystal is the speed of obtaining results without any irritation of the skin or redness as well as the possibility of the patient after the exposure to the sun, but with the protection of the sun and the need to moisturize the skin After peeling.

* Advantages of using diamond peeling?

– Helps improve the outer appearance of the skin.
– Treatment of high expressive lines that appear on the skin.
– Treat the skin cracks caused by weight bearing and give good results.
– Treatment of blackheads, dark spots, dandruff and freckles.
– Improves skin appearance in record time especially before occasions.
– Promotes the production of collagen in the skin if we are keen to use it or undergo sessions at close intervals.
• All this allows the skin to automatically renew its cells to show a new layer free from defects, and not only that the use of peeling ensures the stability of cosmetics on the skin for as long as possible, Diamond peeling is an effective treatment and safe on the skin is painless, The height of its images.

* The results of peeling skin with diamond peeling?

– show the effectiveness of the results of the first session if the purpose only to get rid of dead skin cells and give freshness to the skin, but if the skin has defects such as scars and blackheads, it needs several sessions.
– Can undergo diamond peeling every week or ten days according to the doctor’s instructions.
– During the peeling session, the cosmetics are removed, the skin is cleaned thoroughly and the peeling process begins.
– It is recommended to put a mask or moisturizing cream after the peeling session.
• Several consecutive sessions are required to make the patient feel satisfactory and will gradually improve with each session.

* Is diamond peeling has side effects?

– Diamond peeling is a non-surgical, painful, or irritating skin rejuvenation procedure that is re-formed to give it a luster and freshness. It is a very safe method. It does not leave complications and has no side effects on the skin or body, but results in slight redness.
– It is advised not to face the sun, especially after the peeling session directly and prefer to use the sunscreen always to avoid radiation over the physiological and the need to moisturize the skin after peeling.

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