The main causes of losing hair for women
As it known that hair is a prominent element of the beauty for women and many see that the attractiveness of women starts from her hair, and affects greatly confidence in herself, and the most attractive women are those who enjoy healthy long hair vital and brilliant.
The beauty and intensity of hair is a matter of urgent care and attention by women, and overcome the problems of lack of hair density and prevent the fall and compensation of lost hair is one of the priorities of cosmetic doctors.
Common to natural hair loss is the fall of 50 to 100 hairs every day during regular combing. In addition to washing hair also results in a fallout,
The average hair growth of 5-6 cm per year in case of interest in healthy food.
- Common causes of law hair density in women:
1 – Genetic factors.
2 – Malnutrition and not to eat enough foods containing vitamins such as iron deficiency and vitamins:
– Iron deficiency contributes greatly to loss of hair, so it is necessary to maintain the proportion of hemoglobin in the blood high to prevent the occurrence of anemia and therefore hair loss so we recommend to take iron supplements.
– Vitamin E to stimulate hair follicles to grow faster, which helps to increase the length of hair and increase its density in addition to its role in moisturizing the hair and protect it from drought and shelling and cracking, and is obtained by eating green leafy vegetables such as spinach, in addition to nuts.
– Vitamin A role in moisturizing the hair by stimulating the follicles on the production of fatty substances, and is found in potatoes, lettuce, carrots, pumpkin, spinach, liver and egg.
– Vitamin B helps increase hair density and is found in meat, fish, eggs, peanuts, mushrooms, spinach, avocado and tomatoes.
– Vitamin C to overcome the crust of hair and prevent falling and is present in the gums, oranges and mosquitoes.
– Vitamin G to overcome cracking and weak hair and is found in pepper, strawberries, cauliflower and kiwi.
– Vitamin H (Biotin) is important for healthy hair and prevent dry or break it, and also to stimulate hair follicles to grow and increase the length of hair and is found in fish, liver, avocados, eggs and nuts.
3- Treatment of hormonal disorders in the body:
– The incidence of PCOS is a common disease that can be overcome and mitigate its effects through a balanced diet and exercise.
– Change in the hormonal balance that occurs in menopause where the decline of the proportion of female hormone (estrogen) with age and with the interruption of the menstrual cycle, a defect in the hormones in women.
4 – lack of production of estrogen hormone as a result of aging.
5 – Shaking hair, which in turn leads to hair fall and lack of density if the treatment of the bombing.
6 – lose a lot of weight quickly by following the diet diets harsh during a short period due to suffering from obesity or chronic diseases.
7 – stress and stress have a significant impact on health and hair loss.
8 – Pregnancy and childbirth:
We may notice increased hair density in some women during pregnancy because of the high proportions of hormones in the body, while declining after birth or hormone level or return to normal, causing the fall of hair quickly.
9 – Skin diseases such as psoriasis.
10 – undergo chemotherapy after the treatment stopped the hair can grow again.
11 – lack of thyroid gland action causes alopecia.
- The best natural treatments for hair loss:
– A balanced and healthy diet that includes adequate amounts of protein, vegetables, fruits, a few carbohydrates and fats, and provide the body with elements, vitamins, minerals and divide meals to five or six meals a day to help the body to increase the burning and revitalization of blood circulation.
– Massage the warm coconut oil on your scalp with your fingertips in a circular motion and then cover your head with a hot towel and leave it for a quarter of an hour, then wash the hair shampoo at least once a week to enjoy the hair thick and shiny.
– Make shampoos and natural handkerchiefs in the house by using the tools and natural elements in the kitchen where you can use the mixture of banana + avocado and then leave the mixture on the scalp, with a good massage for ten minutes and then rinse well.
- Here are the ways to care and keep hair from falling:
– The best way to treat hair shrapnel is to cut the damaged part so as not to weaken the entire hair, which helps in its division and consequential fall.
– Improve the environmental factors surrounding the hair, such as the use of comb wood or brush with a wide teeth and comb hair slowly, which helps to preserve it and reduce the chances of falling.
– Avoid the use of concentrated shampoos, but must be diluted shampoo by water to avoid direct exposure to chemicals that hurt hair.
– Avoid excessive use of hair dyes.
– Stay away from using the high-temperature hair dryer for long periods of time.
– Cut the hair especially the limbs down every six weeks.
– Rub the hair with cactus oil once a day then the hair is washed with water and shampoo.
– Using oil baths, massage the scalp with castor oil at night increases the density of hair, then let it work all night and wash in the morning.
– Drink enough fluids, especially water It is recommended to drink the equivalent of eight cups of water that works to moisturize the hair.
– Avoid hairstyles that become part of the daily routine of women so as not to cause scalp problems and hair loss permanently.
– Use hair dryers to make the hair appear more smooth and softness may damage the breakage and hair loss due to exposure to high degrees of heat.
– Scalp massage helps to stimulate and stimulate blood circulation, allowing the access of food and natural oils produced by the scalp from the roots of hair to the limbs, massage your hair twice a day morning and evening using your fingertips circular movements on the scalp helps protect hair from falling.
* Proper care, healthy nutrition and the use of natural handkerchiefs are an important factor in the treatment of hair and can not only provide good treatment for the bombing and increase of hair density, but most often require medical intervention and cosmetic operations, which in turn provide a quick and effective solution to eliminate the problem from its roots .
- Medical methods and the latest non-surgical cosmetic techniques to treat the bombing and lack of hair density:First: the best non-surgical techniques (BTX)
– The best doctors in Turkey and in the best cosmetic clinics equipped with the latest technology to treat all hair problems and to increase the intensity, especially treatment of damaged damaged cantilever. – This technology works on the treatment of the first caustic hair loss hair loss and lack of density, helps BTX to strengthen hair follicles it provides hair With the best vitamins that are suitable for hair and restore vitality, intensity, comfort and freshness.
– It also fills the scalp spaces and treatment of hairspfh and Haheish.
– The most important characteristic of containing natural materials and free of chemicals and collagen, which gives vital hair and density and nutrition appropriate and prevents hair from bombing and falling.
– It is recommended to inject every six months to maintain the flow and strength of hair and density and the best at the center of cosmetic operations in Turkey with the best doctors of cosmetic medicine.
Second: plasma injection of light hair falling
Turkey has many centers and hospitals specialized in cosmetic medicine, and the most professional doctors in the art of modern beauty and all its techniques. Turkey is also one of the most advanced countries in the cultivation of hair and all its treatments, which is characterized by the use of medical medical technology, both in surgical or non-surgical cosmetics, Plasma and mesotherapy technique of the best and most appropriate non-surgical methods to overcome hair loss problems and increase its density.
Plasma: A powerful treatment for falling hair and scars that appear in the scalp.
Why plasma injection?
Plasma is one of the most likely solutions to increase hair density and reduce the incidence of precipitation and filling empty spaces, which is one of the latest treatments that many women accept because it is a very effective treatments, and is used by this technique by withdrawing a small amount of blood itself, and extract plasma from them, It is injected into certain parts of the scalp again, and within a few months hair loss stops and new hairs begin to appear and grow, and this method is safe and its results are excellent to satisfy the patient.