حقيقة جهاز الهايفو

تبحث كثير من النساء عن أفضل وأنسب طريقة لشد الجلد والقضاء على الترهلات وبالتأكيد من غير التعرض لأي ألم أو الانتظار لظهور النتائج وفى ظل تعدد التقنيات والوصفات المختلفة التى يكون بعضها آمن والآخر غير العلمي... more

الأضرار والآثار الجانبية الممكنة لجهاز...

حيث أن العملية تتضمن إزالة طبقة من طبقات دهون البشرة يمكنك فهذا لا يخلو من بعض المشاكل المقدور عليها مثل اكثر العمليات ، ومن هذه المشاكل :  الشعور بالقليل من الألم بعد زوال تأثير التخدير، وهذا... more

تدابير الوقاية الأساسية من فيروس...

احرص على متابعة آخر المستجدات عن فاشية مرض كوفيد-19، على الموقع الإلكتروني لمنظمة الصحة العالمية ومن خلال سلطات الصحة العامة المحلية والوطنية. وفي حين لا تزال عدوى كوفيد-19 متفشية في الصين بشكل أساسي، فهناك بعض بؤر... more

Cosmetic in Turkey

Cosmetic in Turkey * Why Turkey? Turkey is one of the best countries in the service of cosmetic medicine at the highest level and spread the largest clinics and medical centers and the latest equipment and... more

Plastic Surgery

Plastic Surgery * What are Plastic Surgery? The procedures that restore the balance, consistency, freshness, and beauty of a part of the body, or facial complexion, are performed for functional or aesthetic purposes. Plastic surgery takes... more

Facial feminization techniques

Facial feminization techniques Women’s facial features are quite different from men’s. Women’s faces are beautiful, soft and feminine, so beauty is the obsession of women all the time and everywhere on the face of the earth,... more

Cultivation of skin

Cultivation of skin Progress in skin grafts is one of the most important developments in cosmetic medicine, It has helped restore hope and restore the smile and confidence of many victims of burns, congenital malformations, ulcers... more

Cool Sculpting

Cool Sculpting The problem of accumulation of fat in the abdomen, especially with patients of obesity or women who have pregnancy and childbirth several times and suffer from the problem of accumulation of fat and change... more

Gastric balloon

Gastric balloon The stomach is a shrinkable part, and according to the routine of the human being can work to shrink the stomach and reduce the volume of food, and the best treatment of obesity that... more

Stomach Stapling

Stomach Stapling * Stomach Stapling : It is considered one of the oldest surgeries that contribute to the reduction of overweight and treatment of the problem of obesity very effectively and reduce the potential complications if... more

Luminary for teeth

Luminary for teeth Mouth is the mirror of health because the presence of teeth in good condition contributes to the creation of healthy health and less suffering from stomach problems and digestion of food well and... more

Gastric toning

Gastric toning Obesity is one of the most famous diseases of the modern age, it is the first cause of many common diseases such as diabetes and stress, the best solution is to perform modern obesity... more

Twelve conversion process

Twelve conversion process In the modern era, attention has been paid to dieting for the loss of excess weight due to hereditary reasons or obsessive eating or eating habits, after the failure of diet attempts, a... more

Peeling skin

Peeling skin The skin is the mirror of the body so all men or women should take care of the skin with regard to the nature and nature of the skin, and know all the problems... more

Minimize the wide front

Minimize the wide front In the past, many people boasted that they had a large front, which they considered a measure of wisdom, intelligence and influence, but this attitude soon changed and many men and women... more

Benefits of the cruise in...

Benefits of the cruise in the summer Summer is the period of suffering of many of the sun and high temperature, especially in the Gulf during this period may face several problems on how to care... more

Varicose veins treatment

Varicose veins treatment * What are varicose veins? Varicose veins are known as enlarged veins or veins that may be up to 3 mm in diameter and are blue under the skin and occur as a... more

تطور جراحات التجميل في تركيا

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تطور جراحة الطب التجميلي

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عمليات إعادة الشباب

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حل مشكلة ترهلات منطقة البطن

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Reasons For Cosmetic Plastic Surgery

Reasons for cosmetic plastic surgery  Cosmetic operations have spread widely because of the need for them and as a result of modern medical and cosmetic technology, especially in Turkey, which Arabs consider to be one of... more

Effect of Smoking on Cosmetic...

Effect of Smoking on Cosmetic Surgery – Smoking is one of the worst habits practiced by many people, as many studies have proven to be harmful to health and all parts of the body in addition... more


DIAMOND PEELING * What are the causes of peeling? With age changing occurs in all parts and organs of the body and in all layers of the skin because the skin consists of three layers are... more